Wholesaling is an important link in the distribution
channel, connecting manufacturers and retailers with customers. Merchant
wholesalers, also known as full-service wholesalers, play a crucial role in
this process by buying and storing large quantities of goods and then selling
them to other businesses. There are several types of merchant wholesalers, each
with its own unique characteristics.

- General
Merchants: They offer a wide variety of products and services to a broad
range of customers, including retailers, government agencies, and other
- Specialty
Merchants: They focus on a specific product line, such as sporting goods
or electronics, and serve a narrow range of customers, such as retailers
who specialize in the same product line.
- Limited-Line
Merchants: They offer a limited range of products, such as plumbing
supplies or paper products, to a broad range of customers.
- Cash-and-Carry
Merchants: They sell products directly to retailers and other businesses
and allow them to pick up the products at the wholesaler's location.
- Drop
Shippers: They sell products directly to customers, but they do not
physically handle the products themselves. Instead, they arrange for the
products to be shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer.
- Rack
Jobbers: They specialize in the distribution of products to convenience
stores, drugstores, and other small retailers.
In conclusion, each type of merchant wholesaler serves a
specific segment of the market and plays a crucial role in the distribution of
goods. Understanding the different types of merchant wholesalers is important
for businesses looking to build effective distribution channels and reach their
target customers.