Marketing is the process of identifying,
anticipating and satisfying customer needs and wants through the creation,
promotion and distribution of products and services. The old concept of
marketing is characterized by a product-oriented approach, where the focus is
on the production of goods and services and the promotion of these goods and
services to customers.

- Product-Oriented
Approach: The old concept of marketing focuses on the production of goods
and services, and the promotion of these goods and services to customers.
The emphasis is on creating a quality product, and then using various
advertising and promotional strategies to sell it.
- Focus
on Sales: The old concept of marketing was primarily focused on increasing
sales of goods and services. The objective was to move products and
services from the manufacturer to the customer, through the sales process.
- One-Way
Communication: The old concept of marketing was based on a one-way
communication model, where marketers communicated their message to
customers, and customers responded with their purchases. The relationship
between the marketer and the customer was limited to the sales process.
- Mass
Marketing: The old concept of marketing was based on mass marketing, where
products and services were marketed to a large, general audience. This
approach assumed that all customers had the same needs and wants, and the
same buying behavior.
- Limited
Customer Feedback: The old concept of marketing did not place much
emphasis on customer feedback and interaction. Marketers were more focused
on producing and selling their products, and did not consider customer
opinions and preferences as important.
The old concept of marketing is characterized by
a product-oriented approach, a focus on sales, one-way communication, mass
marketing and limited customer feedback. Today, the concept of marketing has
evolved to include a customer-centered approach, where the focus is on
understanding and satisfying customer needs and wants. Marketing has become a
two-way communication process, where marketers listen to customer feedback and
engage in dialogue with their customers to build relationships and improve
customer satisfaction.